Finger Fury Showdown, developed by Brave Giant, published by Peaksel. Finger Fury Showdown trainer, you can have extra features for your game and get ahead of other players. This game have is Action category. Prepare your fingers for the addictive Finger Fury Showdown, a skill-based 2D fighter with kung fu action. Every punch is significant! This is a martial arts tale, not just a fighting game! Lets move on to information about the installation of the Finger Fury Showdown Trainer and how to use it.
Finger Fury Showdown Trainer Details
Options: +22 (For any version of the game). Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game.
Trainer Keys
Ctrl+Num 1
Ctrl+Num 2
Ctrl+Num 3
Ctrl+Num 4
Ctrl+Num 5