Mega Maze, developed by MuYun Studio, published by MuYun Studio. Mega Maze trainer, you can have extra features for your game and get ahead of other players. This game have is Casual, Indie category. 当传统的迷宫游戏被放大千百倍后,挑战一词将不足以形容其难度。随机生成的迷宫,有限的时间,在仅有标记道具的帮助下,您需要多久才能全部通关? Lets move on to information about the installation of the Mega Maze Trainer and how to use it.
Mega Maze Trainer Details
Options: +22 (For any version of the game). Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game.
Trainer Keys
Ctrl+Num 1
Ctrl+Num 2
Ctrl+Num 3
Ctrl+Num 4
Ctrl+Num 5