Dichotomy, developed by Phyrfliez, published by Phyrfliez. Dichotomy trainer, you can have extra features for your game and get ahead of other players. This game have is Action, Adventure, Indie, Free To Play category. Im Jahr 2234 kämpfen die 13-jährige Victorique und ihre beste Freundin Zoé im überwachten Frankreich gegen die Human Rescue Organisation. Trotz ihrer durch Schizophrenie verzerrten Wahrnehmung verfolgen die beiden Hackerinnen entschlossen ihren Plan, die Menschheit zu befreien. Lets move on to information about the installation of the Dichotomy Trainer and how to use it.
Dichotomy Trainer Details
Trainer have a 6+ features and works in all variations of the sport.
Unzip the zip file, run Trainer and open the game. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F3 key. Works in all versions.
– F1
– F2
– F3
– F4
– F5